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Lawrence v Barclays Bank Plc

August 23rd, 2024|

Sheila represented Nazia Lawrence in her sex, race and religious discrimination claim against Barclays, in ...

Alexandre v Open Reach

May 18th, 2023|

Sheila represented the Claimant in her race discrimination and harassment claim against OpenReach. She was ...

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Sam Walker v Co Op

April 30th, 2023|

Law360 have reported Sheila's involvement in Sam's case to have lead to an increase in ...

Rajput v Commerzbank

April 9th, 2023|

Sheila briefly acted on the well publicised Rajput v Commerzbank through her previous partnership Aly & Hulme Associates, until the dissolution of the partnership in spring 2022.

Sam Walker v Co-Op

April 9th, 2023|

Sheila has been representing Sam for the remedy aspects of her case, which have yet to be determined. Sam appeared alongside Sheila in "Its Raining Women" and having been impressed by Sheila's performance in other matters, retained her as Counsel in her own case.

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